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Parent Programme
Bachelor in Computing (Level 7 NFQ)
MFQ Level & Reference
Level 7 / Ref: M3.5
12 Weeks X 3 Hours per week
Mobile App Development 2
Module Credit units

Mobile App Development 2 Dorset College

Introduction to Mobile App development

This module builds on Mobile Application Development 1 and broadens out the learner’s knowledge in complex topics relating to Google Android platform. The primary objective is to impart knowledge and skills to learners, equipping them with the ability to construct mobile applications employing contemporary techniques, adhering to industry best practices and strategic approaches. The proficiency gained through this module is designed to be transferable to various other mobile platforms, ensuring a comprehensive and adaptable skill set for our learners.

Indicative Syllabus Content


  • An introduction to MVC, MVP and MVVM
  • Know when it is appropriate to adopt each architectural approach

Screens & Navigation

  • Build separate screens using Scaffolds and composable functions
  • Use Buttons to navigate between screens in a flow and by jumping to a specific route


  • Understand the role of state in managing data beyond data that is contain within a screen
  • State, stateless, mutability and scope of data
  • How Android manages state and common approaches

Navigation and State

  • Passing data to screens and returning data from screens
  • Using state to manage data on screens and updating state
  • How Android manages state, navigation and common approaches

Baas - core

  • Authentication theory & practice
  • Auth0 & Firestore
  • Managing auth state across the app
  • Security rules
  • Data access

Baas - Remote storage

  • Data, files, images & video content
  • RDBMS, NoSQL, CDN, file storage
  • Firestore, MongoDB

Navigation - part 2

  • Navigation & authentication
  • Passing data & state
  • Deep Linking

Advanced mobile functionality

  • Accessibility
  • Internalization
  • Translation
  • Publishing an app
  • APIs

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes (MIMLOs)

Upon successful completion of this module, the learner should be able to:
Differentiate between MVP, MVC and MVVM approaches to mobile application design and know which is appropriate to use.
Build separate screens in a mobile application and use Android provided screen navigation to move between screens.
Use state management, passing data, state management approaches and be able to incorporate core android state mechanisms into their applications.
Combine state management techniques with navigation to be able to capture, store and share data while a user navigates screens.


1, 2, 3, 4
Written Assignments - Every fortnight
Total 100%
Practical Assignment - Every fortnight
All Assessments

Reassessment Opportunity

Where the combined marks of the assessment and examination do not reach the pass mark the learner will be required to repeat the element of assessment that they failed. Reassessment materials will be published on Moodle after the Examination Board and will be aligned to the MIMLOs and learners will be capped at 40% unless there are personal mitigating circumstances.

Aims & Objectives

This Mobile App Development 2 module will ensure learners meet the following objectives:

  • Gain insights into project file structure and architecture; an introduction to Model-View-Controller (MVC), Model-View-Presenter (MVP), and Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) frameworks.
  • Learn the process of building separate screens and implementing screen navigation in Android applications.
  • Introduce students to state and state management concepts in Android development.
  • Progress to intermediate navigation techniques involving the passing of data between screens and interaction with the application state.
  • Explore an introduction to backend services, covering aspects such as authentication, databases, and interaction with external APIs.