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Parent Programme
Bachelor of Business Level 7 NFQ
NFQ Level & Reference
Level 7 / Ref: M3.3
12 Weeks X 2.5 Hours per week
Marketing Research
Module Credit Units

Marketing Research Module

Introduction Marketing Research

This module introduces you to the exciting field of research, specifically focusing on its value in marketing. Marketing research is all about providing reliable information to support smart business decisions. You'll gain the knowledge and skills needed for marketing research, giving you practical tools for further study or real-world business applications.

Research methods

Research in the Business Context

  • Purpose of Marketing, Where Research fits in the Business Context, Report reading and writing Presenting Reports, Sources of Pre existing information

Research Problem/Opportunity Identification

  • Scope the problem; Clarify the problem; Define the Problem. Define what is outside the scope of the research and why

Research Objective(s) formulation

  • Articulate the Research Objective; Research Hypothesis; Research Question

Secondary Data

  • Sources of Secondary Data; Appraising Secondary Sources; Application of Secondary Data; Reviewing Secondary Sources with a purpose

Research Design

  • Descriptive Research; Exploratory Research; Causal Research

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

  • Distinguish between Qualitative and Quantitative Research; The value of Qualitative Research; The value of Quantitative Research

Data Collection Approaches

  • Interviews; Focus Groups; Questionnaires; Observation; Document Analysis; Experimentation; Netnography

Modern and Emerging Methods of Data Collection

  • Mixed methods, The Internet as a Source of Data; eResearch, Social Media Website analytics and traffic


  • Defining the Target Population; Sampling Frame; Probability Sampling; Non-Probability Sampling; Sampling Types; Sample Size

Data Analysis

  • Coding Data; Quantitative Data Analysis - using analytical tools; Qualitative Data Analysis - Analytical techniques: Thematic Analysis; Narrative Analysis; Discourse Analysis

Research Ethics

  • Ethical stances; role of ethics in research; how ethics can influence the research process

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes (MIMLOs)

Upon successful completion of this module, the learner should be able to:
Create a research brief understanding the Marketing Research Process
Apply the Marketing Research Process to an identified marketing problem or opportunity
Evaluate the research design, sampling, and data collection techniques suitable to a research scenario
Evaluate the data collected from the selected data sources using descriptive and inferential data analysis methods
Evaluate both qualitative and quantitative data using an appropriate data analysis technique and present it in a cohesive report.

Teaching & Learning Modes


1, 2, 3, 4, 5
CA 1: Individual Essay
Total 100%
CA 2: Group Project
All Assessments

Reassessment Opportunity

Where the combined marks of the assessment and examination do not reach the pass mark the learner will be required to repeat the element of assessment that they failed. Reassessment materials will be published on Moodle after the Examination Board  Meeting and will be aligned to the MIMLOs and learners will be capped at 40% unless there are personal mitigating circumstances.

Aims & Objectives

The Marketing Research module aims are to:

  • Equip the learner with a structured framework to carry out marketing research. This framework, referred to as The Marketing Research Process, is a start to finish process for carrying out research, and should allow for a comprehensive marketing research report to be completed as an output.
  • Allow the learner to gain experience and develop skills in providing intelligible insights to applied marketing decisions, through research informed solutions.