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Parent Programme
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in International Business
NFQ Level & Reference No.
Level 8 / Ref: M4.5
24 Weeks Full-Time X 2.5 Hours per week
24 Weeks Part-Time X 1.6 Hours per week
Business Research Methodology
Module Credit Units
ECTS: 10

Business Research Methodologies Module

Introduction to Research Methodologies

The Business Research Methodology module will enable the learner to gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature and importance of research within the business field. Learners will assess contemporary issues, ethics, and best practices in business research, ensuring their approach is both current and ethically sound. The module equips learners with the skills to apply appropriate research techniques to academic issues, manage a research project from the initial brief through to the oral presentation of findings, and effectively utilise research sources, business databases, and Market Information Systems.

Indicative Syllabus

Introduction to Research

  • Nature of business research
  • Research process
  • Generating research ideas: spotting business research opportunities
  • Ethics in academic and business research

Project proposal

  • General topic,
  • Hypothesis,
  • Research Questions,
  • Research Objectives (General and Specific Objectives)

 Literature Review

  • Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sources
  • Referencing systems: Harvard Referencing System
  • Reliable Literature sources

Research Methodology

  • Qualitative and quantitative methodologies
  • Main qualitative and quantitative techniques: surveys, interviews (structured, semi-structured, in-depth, group interviews), observation (complete participant, complete observer, observer as participant, participant as observer), focus group
  • Designing researching tools: design of questionnaire. Sampling strategies
  • Case studies and qualitative interviews

Findings and Conclusions

  • Writing up and presenting research outcomes
  • General conclusions
  • Research limitations
  • Recommendations

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes (MIMLOs)

Upon successful completion of this module, the learner should be able to:
Demonstrate an effective capacity for independent ethical research.
Evaluate, select and apply appropriate research methodologies in the investigation of a contemporary area of relevance.
Critically discuss, analyse and evaluate information relevant to the issue.
Prepare a project proposal and literature review for a chosen topic.
Produce a structured project document that integrates academic content and management responses and defend their work before a panel.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5
A variety of Assessments that include: Individual Project: The Project Proposal / Individual Project: The Business Project Report / Individual Presentation

Reassessment Opportunity

Where the combined marks of the assessment and examination do not reach the pass mark the learner will be required to repeat the element of assessment that they failed. Reassessment materials will be published on Moodle after the Examination Board Meeting and will be aligned to the MIMLOs and learners will be capped at 40% unless there are personal mitigating circumstances.

Aims & Objectives

The aims are to enable learners will develop the ability to analyse and evaluate information pertinent to specific business issues, fostering a robust capability to address complex business challenges through methodical research.
