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Parent Programme
Bachelor of Science in Computing (Level 7 NFQ)
NFQ Level & Reference
Level 6 / Ref: M1.5
12 Weeks X 3 Hours per week
Programming Essentials 1
Year 1
Module Credit Unit

Programming Essentials Module

Introduction to Programming Essentials

This Programming Essentials Module introduces the learner to programming and develops fundamental skills such as writing, editing, compiling and executing computer code and constructing algorithms to solve problems and produce working computing artefacts in a variety of computer programming languages. The learners will also develop their algorithmic thinking and programming logic skills.

Indicative Syllabus Content

Programming Essentials 1 

Programming Theory:

  • Define what a programming language is
  • Overview of programming paradigms and their importance
  • Basic knowledge of the history of programming languages
  • Classify modern programming languages
  • Examine the kinds of problems that can be automated

Introduction to Python programming:

  • Setting up the Python development environment
  • Basic Python syntax: variables, data types, and print statements
  • Introduction to the IDE, basic code writing, and execution
  • Hands-on exercises to practice Python syntax
  • Debugging basics: identifying and fixing common errors

Programming Control Structures and Functions:

  • Conditional statements and their use cases
  • Loops and their applications
  • Function definition, parameters, return values, and scope
  • Implementing conditional statements and loops
  • Writing and calling functions for various tasks
  • Debugging exercises involving control structures and functions

Basic Data Structures:

  • Understanding and using different data structures
  • Manipulating lists, tuples, and dictionaries
  • Iterating through data structures using loops
  • Solving problems that involve data structure manipulation
  • Debugging challenges related to data structures

Algorithmic Thinking:

  • Explain the concept of 'algorithm'
  • Basic algorithm design and analysis
  • Design an algorithm using flowcharts or pseudocode
  • Examine and evaluate different algorithm options for solving problems
  • Peer-reviewed algorithm implementation projects

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes (MIMLOs)

Upon successful completion of this module, the learner should be able to:
Design and implement basic programmes in industry standard programming language(s), using different variable types and flow control techniques.
Examine different algorithms and their use(s) in computer programming.
Define and use functions to encapsulate reusable code blocks.
Employ the built-in data structures such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets, and illustrate how to manipulate them effectively.
Follow computer programming standards and best practices in designing and collaborating on code.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5
CA 1 – In-class coding practical
Two assessments Total 100%
CA 2 – Coding project(s)

Reassessment Opportunity

Where the combined marks of the assessment and examination do not reach the pass mark the learner will be required to repeat the element of assessment that they failed. Reassessment materials will be published on Moodle after the Examination Board Meeting and will be aligned to the MIMLOs and learners will be capped at 40% unless there are personal mitigating circumstances.

Aims & Objectives

This Programming Essentials 1 module will ensure learners meet the following objectives:

  • Introduce the concepts of computer programming, programming languages, algorithms, data structurers and automated problem-solving
  • Develop problem-solving skills using computing programming
  • Establish a basic grounding in an object-orientated programming language
  • Create modular and reusable code through the use of functions
  • Learn to write clear and concise code that follows best practices
  • Establish a basic grounding in an object-orientated programming language