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Parent Programme
Bachelor of Business (Level 7 NFQ)
NFQ Level & Reference
Level 6 / Ref: M2.4
12 Weeks X 2.5 Hours per week
Advanced Spreadsheets
Module Credit Units

Spreadsheet Module

Introducing Advanced Spreadsheets

This Advanced Spreadsheet module will enable the learner to advance their knowledge and skills of prominent spreadsheet software. Familiarity with the capabilities offered by spreadsheet software, and the ability to leverage such capabilities, is an important tool within contemporary business. The organisation of data, and the deriving of insights from data, can allow businesses to derive increasing productivity improvements from existing resources. By engaging the learner with such software, and informing them of the potential uses of this software, this module aims to provide learners with these important business skills.

Indicative Syllabus Content

The role of spreadsheets

  • Use of spreadsheets in business; basic capabilities of spreadsheets; terminology associated with spreadsheets.

Designing worksheets 1

  • Layout of data; commenting within a spreadsheet; auditing of information requirement.

Designing worksheets 2

  • Protecting cells; hiding cells; formatting cells.

Getting data

  • Where to get data; importing data from sources; converting data.

Data analysis

  • Data cleansing; grouping data; extracting data; simple analysis such as; SUM, AVERAGE, simple IF function, multiple IF function, LOOKUP function.

Functions in Spreadsheets

  • Prominent functions; using the formula tab; building functions; automating tasks
  • Produce a chart or a macro

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes (MIMLOs)

Upon successful completion of this module, the learner should be able to:
Explain concepts and terminology related to spreadsheets.
Identify, select and apply a range of spreadsheet techniques in order to prepare data for analysis.
Apply a wide range of spreadsheet techniques in order to analyse a variety of business decisions.
Design worksheets in a structured manner to ensure ease-of-use and ease of maintenance.


1, 2, 3, 4
Practical Examination
Total 100%
In-class written test
All Assessments

Reassessment Opportunity

Where the combined marks of the assessment and examination do not reach the pass mark the learner will be required to repeat the element of assessment that they failed. Reassessment materials will be published on Moodle after the Examination Board  Meeting and will be aligned to the MIMLOs and learners will be capped at 40% unless there are personal mitigating circumstances.

Aims & Objectives

The aims of this Advanced Spreadsheets module are to enable the learner to advance their knowledge and skills of prominent spreadsheet software.

  • Gain familiarity with the capabilities offered by spreadsheet software, and the ability to leverage such capabilities, is an important tool within contemporary business.
  • Understand the organisation of data, and the deriving of insights from data which can allow businesses to increasing productivity improvements from existing resources.