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Professional Academy Diploma in Artificial Intelligence for Business

Awarded By
Dorset College Dublin
10 Weeks
Tuesday: 18.30 - 21.30 p.m.
Start Date
15/10/24 -17/12/24
100% Live Online Classes
€990.00 - 10% Discount = €890
Deposit: €150.00
Special Offer - Artificial Intelligence For Business Course Dorset College Dublin - Course Fee: €990.00 Less 10% Discount - Fee €890.00 - Apply Online!

How does this Artificial Intelligence (AI) Course benefit your career:

Expert Led Artificial Intelligence Courses at Dorset College Dublin.  In today's rapidly evolving world, understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI) is essential regardless of your career path. This AI Course is designed to equip you with cutting-edge skills and insights, enabling you to harness the power of AI to drive innovation and efficiency.  Live expert-led AI training including the following:  Discover the transformative role of AI, strategic AI applications, AI technology integration, tactical AI implications, operational AI perspectives, AI in organisations, practical AI applications, AI technologies in diverse industries, real-world AI examples, AI opportunities and challenges, AI in business context, and AI discussions and debates including industry best practices. This comprehensive online diploma provides a solid foundation for anyone wishing to pursue a career in AI across diverse industries.

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the foundations of AI
  • Grasp machine learning fundamentals
  • Apply AI in natural language processing
  • Utilize AI in computer vision
  • Implement AI in various industries
  • Evaluate the ethics of AI
  • Identify issues of bias and fairness in AI algorithms.
  • Assess the impact of AI on society
  • Explore creativity and AI
  • Anticipate the future of AI
  • Discuss potential for artificial general intelligence

It is meticulously designed to empower individuals, even those with zero programming experience, to grasp the fundamentals of this transformative technology. Explore the impact of AI on organizations and society, delve into its practical applications in addressing business needs, and gain insights into the strategic, tactical, and operational implications of AI. Whether you want to enhance your current role, future-proof your skillset, or stay updated in an AI-driven world, this course is crucial for your career development. 

What learning experience will this course offer you:

On the Artificial Intellligence Course you will learn core AI techniques and technologies from industry-experienced professionals and tap into the fast-growing field of AI .  This comprehensive program provides the platform for you to acquire and develop the essential skills, tools, and processes needed to become a successful Artificial Intelligence professional. This course prepares you to confidently meet the challenges in this field and aligns with evolving employer demands for AI professionals, significantly boosting your career prospects.  Artificial Intelligence Course Modules are as follows:

Introduction And Fundamentals

Week 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AI
  • What is AI? History, definitions, and different types (narrow AI, general AI)
  • How AI Works (Simplified) Basic concepts like machine learning, algorithms, data
  • AI Around Us AI examples in everyday life (search engines, recommendation systems)
  • Perception vs. Reality Myths and misconceptions about AI

Week 2: Machine Learning Fundamentals

  • Supervised Learning Classification, regression, with examples
  • Unsupervised Learning Clustering, dimensionality reduction
  • Deep Learning and Neural Networks Basic building blocks and concepts
  • The Importance of Data Data collection, bias, and data privacy concerns

Artificial Intelligence In Action

Week 3: Artificial Intelligence in Action: Natural Language Processing

  • How Computers Understand Language Text processing and analysis
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants How they work, limitations and applications
  • Machine Translation Challenges and breakthroughs
  • Sentiment Analysis Applications in business and social media

Week 4: Artificial Intelligence in Action: Computer Vision

  • Image Recognition and Classification How computers "see"
  • Object Detection Applications in self-driving cars and surveillance
  • Facial Recognition Uses, benefits, and ethical concerns
  • Image Generation Creative applications of AI

Artificial Intelligence In Industry And Ethics Of AI

Week 5: Artificial Intelligence Across Industries

  • AI in Healthcare Diagnosis, treatment planning, drug discovery
  • AI in Finance Fraud detection, algorithmic trading
  • AI in Education Personalized learning, adaptive systems
  • AI in Retail and Marketing Customer behavior analysis, targeted recommendations
  • AI Tools and practical applications

Week 6: The Ethics of AI - Artificial Intelligence

  • Bias and Fairness in AI How algorithms can perpetuate inequalities
  • AI and Privacy Data collection and surveillance concerns
  • Transparency and Explainability of AI The "black box" problem
  • Accountability for AI Systems

The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence

Week 7: The Impact of AI on Society

  • AI and Jobs Potential displacement vs. new opportunities
  • AI and Inequality The risk of widening societal gaps
  • AI and Warfare Autonomous weapons, ethical considerations
  • Regulation of AI Frameworks for responsible AI

Week 8: Creativity and AI - Artificial Intelligence

  • AI as a Creative Tool Art generation, music composition
  • The Changing Definition of Creativity Who is the creator?
  • AI-Human Collaboration in the Arts New forms of expression
  • The Value of Human Uniqueness

The Future Of AI & Course Review

Week 9: The Future of AI - Artificial Intelligence

  • Potential for Artificial General Intelligence Moving beyond specialized tasks
  • Superintelligence Hypothetical scenarios and concerns
  • Beneficial AI Using AI to address global challenges
  • The Future Of AI In Business

Week 10: Review of course and assessment

Materials provided: All photocopies/handouts and PowerPoint presentations provided

Aims and Objectives

This course aims and objectives are to equip individuals with a comprehensive understanding of Artificial Intelligence without requiring prior programming knowledge.  We'll dive into the ethical and societal implications of AI, fostering thoughtful discussions about the technology's potential for positive change as well as its inherent challenges. This course demystifies AI jargon, giving you the confidence and skills to contribute meaningfully to AI-related initiatives within your workplace.

Entry Requirements

This course is open to professionals at any level in any organisation and those who are aiming for a career transition.  

  • A sound knowledge of Computers
  • Basic knowledge of EXCEL
  • Programming experience is not required
  • Competence in both spoken and Written English
Students will  need a good Internet connection as the course is over Zoom on a laptop or desktop computer.

8Gb of RAM (minimum), ideally 12 or 16GB.
Windows or Mac is fine.
Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets will be used.

Career Opportunities

Whether you aim to enhance your current role, future-proof your skillset, or stay informed in an AI-driven world, this course is essential for your career development. You will learn to articulate informed viewpoints on AI's benefits, challenges, and future trajectory, and integrate AI into your workflow for increased efficiency and innovation. By understanding AI's applications in various industries and everyday life, you'll lay the groundwork for career advancement. Additionally, the course prepares you to engage in crucial discussions about AI's ethical concerns, such as bias, privacy, and job impact.

Assessment & Award

Continuous assessment and a project will assess learners’ knowledge of artificial intelligence through the application of and demonstration of competencies in machine learning.   Also students will be individually continuously assessed throughout the programme.

Assessment Method: Individual Project 100%

Award:  Artificial Intelligence Diploma
Professional Diploma in Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Business
Awarded by
: Dorset College Dublin

Payment Plan

To secure a place on this course a non-refundable deposit of €150 applies.  A discount of 10% applies to  this course if deposit paid before 1 August 2024.

Course Fee: €990.00 - Pay deposit before 1st June and get a 10% Discount = Fee: €890.00

Deposit €150.00 Secures your place on the course
1st Instalment: 01/10/24 €370.00
2nd Instalment: 12/11/24 €370.00

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