The Central Applications Office (CAO) provides a comprehensive application and offer processing service for first-year only admission to undergraduate, full-time day courses in third level institutions. If you are a student with an Irish Leaving Certificate or EU equivalent or QQI Qualifications, you are required to apply through the CAO Application System.
Dorset College CAO Courses
Bachelor of Business NFQ Level 7
Bachelor of Science In Computing Level 7 NFQ
Points Calculator
Applications (EU Nationals) for full-time studies from candidates who have not completed a third level course and who are 23 on the 1st January of the year they are due to commence studies, may apply for entry for their chosen course through the CAO.
Details on our undergraduate programmes are available on:
The CAO Handbook will provide you with information on the courses. You will also find information on our website, prospectus, promotional material, via e-mail and also through direct interaction with perspective learners.
The CAO Handbook 2020 and paper applications can be requested from your Career Guidance Counsellor or the (CAO) Central Applications Office, Tower House, Eglinton Street, Galway.
Address: Tower House, Eglinton St, Galway.
Phone: +353 91 509 800Â