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Professional Diploma in PYTHON Programming Course

Awarded by
Dorset College Dublin
11 Weeks Duration
Tuesday: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Start/End Date
8/10/2024 - 17/12/2024
Fee: €895
Book before 01/08/2024 and get Discount 20% = €716.00
Deposit €75
SPECIAL OFFER! €970 - Discount 15% = €825.00 Deposit €75. To book a place on this Professional Diploma in PYTHON Programming Course a deposit of €75.00 applies. Instalment Payment Plan is available.

How does this Python Course benefit your career:

Professional Academy Online Python Programming Course: - Master Python programming with our immersive course, meticulously designed to equip you with the essential skills and expertise needed to develop powerful and versatile applications, automate tasks, and explore exciting opportunities in data science, web development, and beyond.  Python is one of the top programming languages in the world and continues to grow. From the basics this course provides a solid understanding of programming using Python.  This Python Programme 11 weeks duration is a valuable investment in your professional development, leading to increased job opportunities, career advancement, CV-enhancing qualifications, and improved earning potential.

You will be prepared with skills and knowledge and ready to kick-start your career using Python the world's fastest-growing major programming language and start leveraging its versatile capabilities to build web and data science applications.  Python, as a programming language is easy and simple to learn. Python cuts development time in half with its simple to read syntax and easy compilation feature. Also, it has plenty of libraries that support data analysis, manipulation, and visualization. Therefore, it has evolved as the most preferred language and considered to be a “Must” for Professionals.  If you have any questions please contact our professional courses advisor at [email protected]. 

Download The Professional Courses Brochure.

What learning experience will this course offer you:

You will learn from industry-experienced professionals who bring the latest techniques to the learning environment.   A course that offers real-world relevance and plenty of opportunity for practice through Lab that mirrors on the job projects.

You will be introduced to Python Programming with the opportunity to develop fundamental skills such as writing, editing, compiling and executing computer code, and constructing algorithms to solve problems.  Python is found in web applications, desktop apps, network servers, machine learning, media tools, and more.

You will explore Python’s powerful applications and gain the skills to get on a career path with many opportunities.

Programming Theory Basics

  • History of programming languages.
  • Understand the function that a programming language fulfills.
  • Examine the kinds of problems that can be automated.

Techniques for implementing programs

  • Fundamental concepts: interpreting and the interpreter, compilation and the compiler, language elements, syntax and semantics, Python keywords, instructions and indenting.
  • Data types, Evaluations, and Basic I/O Operations.
  • Flow-control – loops and conditional blocks.
  • Simple Data collections – Simple list.
  • Functions, defining and invoking your own functions and generators.


  • Explain the concept of 'algorithm'.
  • Design an algorithm using flowcharts or pseudocode.
  • Construct algorithms, pseudocode, and flowcharts before implementation.

On completion of this module, the learner should be able to:

  • Define common programming language concepts.
  • Examine different algorithms and their use(s) in computer programming.
  • Design a flowchart or pseudo-code to solve a real problem.
  • Design and implement basic programmes using different variable types and flow control techniques.
  • Test and debug programming code.
  • Interpret and utilise visual representations of programming concepts.
  • Follow computer programming standards and best practices in designing and collaborating on code.

Live Online Learning

Learn 100% Online Python Course:

You can now up-skill or re-skill from the comfort of your own home with an industry-experienced professional who will provide you with inspirational lectures and all the support materials you need to achieve your goals.

Entry Requirements

Designed for students with a variety of professional backgrounds and experience levels including beginners, this course goes into the fundamentals of Python and object-oriented programming. 

Assessment & Awards

Project work will be utilised to assess students on this programme. -  A project designed to showcase your ability to use Python's powerful applications.

Assessment Method
Portfolio Project 100% 


Professional Diploma in Python Programming Essentials
Awarded by: Dorset College Dublin

Flexible Payment Terms

To secure a place on this course a non-refundable deposit of €75 applies and the remainder paid in instalments. You have the flexibility of using our online payment facility to manage your course payments at any time, from the comfort of your own home. Pay Online

Fee: €895. Book before 01/08/2024 and get Discount 20% = €716.00

Payment Plan

Deposit: €75
1st Instalment:  €320.50 2/10/2024
2nd Instalment: €320.50 13/11/2024