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Professional Academy Diploma in Front End Web Development

Dorset College Dublin
10 Weeks Duration
Tuesday: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Start/End Date
15/10/2024 -17/12/2024
Course Fees
€970 - Discount 15% = €825
Deposit €75
Front End Web Development Course - SPECIAL OFFER! €970.00 + 10% Discount = €825.00 Deposit €75. To book a place on this Professional Diploma In Front End Web Development Course a deposit of €75.00 applies. Instalment Payment Plan is available.

How does this Web Development Course benefit your career:

Professional Academy Front-End Web Development Course at Dorset College Dublin. Are you searching for a course that leads to an exciting career in computer technology with a clearly defined career path and opportunities for higher education.  Live expert-led Front End Web training including the following:  Discover HTML, CSS, JavaScript courses, web development for beginners, web development projects, create a professional web development portfolio, version control in web development, responsive design principles, Bootstrap framework, third-party REST APIs, real-world web development scenarios, hands-on web development training, industry best practices and more.   Our Front-End Web Development Course equips students with strong foundational knowledge of the latest web development tools and methodologies. In this comprehensive Diploma in Web Development, students learn essential coding languages needed to become a front-end web developer and create dynamic websites. This 10-week Front-End Web Developer Programme is a valuable investment in your professional development, leading to increased job opportunities, career advancement, CV-enhancing qualifications, and improved earning potential.

Embark on a rewarding journey to become a front-end web developer with our immersive course, meticulously designed to provide you with the skills and expertise needed to create captivating user experiences and dynamic interfaces for modern web applications. This programme covers the primary and in-demand web development languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For more information, please contact our professional courses advisor at [email protected].

Download The Professional Courses Brochure.

Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Proficiently use HTML, CSS &  JavaScript
  • Plan the website structure and design.
  • Create the basic HTML structure.
  • Style the website using CSS.
  • Add client-side interactivity with JavaScript.
  • Integrate APIs and manage data fetching.
  • Optimize for responsiveness and accessibility.
  • Test and debug the website.
  • Deploy the website to a hosting service.

You will learn from expert industry professionals who will give you the skills you need to transform your career.

What learning experience will this course offer you:

On the Front End Web Development Course you will learn from a team of industry-experienced lecturers who will inspire and challenge you to acquire and develop the skills, knowledge, and competence required to excel as a Web Development professional in various working environments. Explore cutting-edge Front End Web Development technologies and master the practical skills essential for success in the modern Web Development landscape. Gain the fundamental skills required to create impactful Web Design projects in a fast-moving industry.  Front End Web Development Course Modules are as follows:

Introduction to Front-end Web Development

  • This module equips leaners with the ability to understand the principles of web development and focuses on the ability of the learner to build basic front-end web solutions.
  • Principles of Front-end Web Development
  • Server versus Client-how a website works from server to user
  • Front-end Stack-HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Syntax and Semantics-what they are and their importance
  • Source Code Editors-Notepad++, Brackets, Atom
  • First index file-head, title, body
  • HTML elements, tags, attributes
  • HTML Text, structural markup (headings, subheadings, paragraphs), bold, italic, emphasis, semantic, markup.

Introduction to Web Page Authoring


  • Writing and saving files for web
  • How to structure a HTML page - Semantic and non-semantic tags, creating Text blocks, Lists, Tables, Links, Images etc.
  • HTML syntax – tags, attributes, and values
  • Meta-data and link structure in HTML
  • CSS syntax – selectors, declarations, properties, and values
  • Format and Style in CSS- using id and class, working with margins, padding, alignment, floating, positioning etc.
  • CSS Animation and media queries for dynamic and responsive design
  • Typography – Google fonts, colour, theory, font practices

Standards and Testing


  • Accessing web standards – Who sets the standards and what are they?
  • Assessing standards compliance – Validating and debugging code - Tools, Techniques, and Resources
  • User testing – Role of testing in the development process, practical application of criteria
  • UX/UI-design and experience

Javascript for Client-side interaction


  • Introduction to JavaScript – integrating JS with HTML
  • JS code structure – statements, variables, data types, naming conventions
  • JS Arithmetic – operands and operators, operator precedence, addition vs concatenation
  • The Document Object Model (DOM) – getting/ referencing elements using JavaScript
  • JS Functions and Events – adding event handlers, invoking functions, parameters and arguments
  • Working with arrays and objects – application and uses
  • JavaScript conditions and loops – for, while, do while, if else
  • HTML Canvas

Web Libraries and Frameworks


  • Choosing the right tools for your project
  • History of front-end frameworks
  • Working with grid-based design
  • Applying themes and templates
  • Adding library integration for dynamic websites
  • Awareness of cross-browser issues when using libraries

Integrating Server-side interaction


  • AJAX requests and responses
  • Data formats (XML, JSON, etc.)
  • Server-side scripting – Node.js
  • Internal Architecture of Node.js
  • Blocking code and non-blocking code models
  • Event-based server-side execution/ asynchronous execution
  • Server side process implementation and verification
  • Creating a HTTP server
  • Utilising database content

Live Online Classes

Front End Web Development Course at Dorset College Dublin is now 100% Online:  You can now up-skill or re-skill from the comfort of your own home with expert led industry experienced lecturers who will provide you with inspirational lectures and all support materials you need to achieve your goals

Aims & Objectives

This module gives students a basis in front-end web development. Learners will acquire the knowledge and skills required to create a modern dynamic website and learn best-practice techniques for editing and publishing various media assets to the web.

This module will ensure learners meet the following objectives:

  • Understand the basic concepts of Rich Internet Applications (RIA).
  • Build awareness of web standards and related coding practices.
  • Design and produce a dynamic front-end web application.
  • Deploy a front-end web-application for cross-platform accessibility.

Entry Requirements

There are no specific entry criteria, however, it is important to have a good working knowledge of Computers.

Example includes:

  • ECDL - European Computer Driving Licence or equivalent
  • Computer Users
  • Mature Applicants with relevant life and work experience
  • English Language Proficiency

Assessment & Awards

Assessment Method

  • Practical lab assessments ensure competencies related to the indicative syllabus are acquired.
  • This is a Project-based course. Students are graded according to their performance on the in-class exercises, a Website Design project where they will be assessed on a Website they design in their area of interest using the skills acquired in class.


Professional Diploma in Web Development
Awarded by: Dorset College Dublin

Flexible Payment Terms

To secure a place on this course a deposit of €75.00 applies and the remainder paid in instalments.  You have the flexibility of using our online payment facility to manage your course payments at any time, from the comfort of your own home.  Pay Online

€895.00 + 20% Discount = €716.00

Payment Plan

Deposit: €75.00 Secures your Place on the Course
1st Instalment:  €320.50 01/10/2024
2nd Instalment: €320.50 12/11/2024

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