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A Weekend Visit to Connemara

Connemara is a place of legend and folklore, so it is no surprise that our Dorset College learners wanted to go visit it for themselves!

Often described as one of the most beautiful places in Ireland, Connemara is a region of Galway in the west of Ireland. The area has a strong association with traditional Irish culture, and today contains much of the Connacht Irish-speaking Gaeltacht. The term ‘Gaeltacht’ is used to describe the regions in Ireland where the Irish language is the primary spoken language for the majority of the community. These regions ensure the viability of Gaeltacht communities, and the Irish language itself.

Our learners were brought on a journey to explore and take in the beauty of this magical place. Thankfully our students were greeted with cold, albeit sunny weather and the rain luckily staying away! With their walking shoes on, they were brought on a trail to see all the colourful villages and towns and traced the rugged edge of the Atlantic coastline.

It can be heard to put the beauty of Connemara into words until you see it in person. Our learners now understand why a visit to the West is on so many travellers’ lists when coming to Ireland, and it is another place they can tick off their bucket lists!
