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Quality Assurance Manual

The Dorset College Quality Assurance Manual (QA Manual) 2025 is to provide guidance and information to all participants in quality assurance and enhancement across the college - this includes learners, faculty, and staff. The QA Manual includes all college policies and regulations and is the core text for learners to familiarise themselves with these processes and systems. Effective and efficient quality assurance procedures are at the core of what Dorset College offers to their learners and the QA Manual is in line with consistent and superior delivery of education and training and related academic support services. 

Dorset College Quality Assurance Manual (QA Manual)

The QA Manual is a Dorset College document developed in collaboration with and for the benefit of  learners, faculty and staff. The QA Manual ensures that Dorset College continues to provide quality assured higher, further and English language education as well as professional non accredited courses. The QA Manual was developed within the overall context of a learner centric approach to the delivery of education in line with our accrediting bodies and government strategy on education including internationalisation.  

This page is the definitive source for the most current Dorset College policies. Policies duplicated on other pages, websites or in print may not be the most current version. The QA Manual should not be copied or replicated outside of the College, or for Dorset College staff or learner use, without written permission.
