This Programming Essentials 2 course will build on what is learnt previously in programming essentials 1. The learner will learn how to develop solutions to problems that make use of object-oriented techniques, collections, file handling and exception handling.
This module introduces the learner to programming and develops fundamental skills such as writing, editing, compiling and executing computer code and constructing algorithms to solve problems and produce working computing artefacts in a variety of computer programming languages. The learners will also develop their algorithmic thinking and programming logic skills.
Programming Essentials 2
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python
Utilize External Libraries and Modules
File Handling and Exception Handling:
Web Development and Automation:
Where the combined marks of the assessment and examination do not reach the pass mark the learner will be required to repeat the element of assessment that they failed. Reassessment materials will be published on Moodle after the Examination Board Meeting and will be aligned to the MIMLOs and learners will be capped at 40% unless there are personal mitigating circumstances.
This Programming Essentials 2 module will ensure learners meet the following objectives: