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Parent Programme
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in International Business
NFQ Level & Reference
Level 8 / Ref: M4.9
12 Weeks Full-Time X 2.5 Hours per week
12 Weeks Part-Time X 1.5 Hours per week
Digital Transformation
Module Unit Credits

Digital Transformation Module

Introduction to Digital Transformation

The Digital Transformation module equips learners for leadership roles in the digital age by incorporating emerging technologies and sustainable practices crucial for business success. It enhances learners' understanding of the impact of digital transformation and digital marketing on consumers and service providers.

Furthermore, the module hones skills in using conceptual and analytical tools for designing and making strategic decisions, essential for maintaining organizational competitiveness. Learners will acquire the ability to adapt to and integrate emerging technologies, understand the impact of digital marketing, and develop effective digital marketing campaign strategies.

Indicative Syllabus Content

Digital Transformation in Business

  • The concept of digital transformation in the context of modern business
  • Impact of digital technologies on organizational structures, processes, and business models
  • Impact of digital transformation on fostering business innovations
  • The role of digital transformation in promoting environmental sustainability
  • The role of innovation in driving digital transformation and creating a competitive advantage

Digital Business Environment

  • Legal & ethical issues
  • Information Privacy and GDPR
  • Data protection - cyber-security in safeguarding digital assets and customer data
  • Corporate responsibility in the context of sustainability and ethical considerations

Business Models Innovations and Strategies

  • Innovative business models driven by digital transformation
  • Evaluation of innovative digital business models
  • Case studies of organizations that have successfully integrated digital innovation into their business models 

Emerging Technologies in Business

  • The applications of AI in business processes, decision-making, and customer interactions
  • Ethical considerations, challenges, and opportunities associated with AI integration
  • The role of Big Data in business decision-making and marketing analytics
  • The use of Cloud Computing in optimizing business operations and scalability
  • The applications of Blockchain in enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency in business processes
  • Case studies of organizations successfully integrating AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, and Sustainability into their business models

Strategic Marketing in the Digital Age

  • Marketing strategies in response to digital transformation
  • The Influences of Digital channels and technologies consumer behaviour and market dynamics
  • Targeting Markets and online branding
  • Traffic building tools and strategies
  • Strategic digital marketing planning

Web Analytics & Conversion Rate Optimisation

  • Identifying goals and KPIs
  • Analysing website performance
  • Social Media Performance, CRO, Usability, Customer Experience Management

Mobile Commerce

  • Supporting technologies
  • Drivers of m-Commerce
  • Mobile and ubiquitous computing
  • Computing, m-Commerce applications application and opportunities

Minimum Intended Learning Outcomes (MIMLOs)

Upon successful completion of this module, the learner should be able to:
Demonstrate an awareness of digital transformations, while evaluating the vital role they play in the context of modern business.
Critique real business cases and applications that employ strategic digital transformation, to innovate and adapt to change.
Evaluate the performance of a fictitious company engaged in business Innovations.
Evaluate the marketing opportunities provided by a variety of digital communication tools such as content, social media and viral, mobile and location-based marketing.
Appraise the performance of a website through web measurement, user behaviour analysis and implementation of proven strategies aimed at increasing conversion rates


1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Digital Transformation Project Part 1 – Digital Transformation and Business Model Inovation. Digital Transformation Project Part 2 – Digital Marketing and Web Analytics
Total 100%

Reassessment Opportunity

Where the combined marks of the assessment and examination do not reach the pass mark the learner will be required to repeat the element of assessment that they failed. Reassessment materials will be published on Moodle after the Examination Board and will be aligned to the MIMLOs and learners will be capped at 40% unless there are personal mitigating circumstances.

Aims & Objectives

The aims of this module are to provide an insight into the impact of digital transformation on consumers and service providers and to develop learners' skills in using the conceptual and analytical tools necessary for digital marketing campaign design and decision-making.

Learners will explore how digital technologies are reshaping consumer behaviour, market dynamics, and business strategies. Key topics include the evolution of e-business models, the role of digital platforms, and the integration of digital marketing within broader marketing strategies.
