We chat with Erika Volodko about the challenge that she did for her students for Front-end Web Development module BSc 2, where they were asked to develop an online web resume which represented them as individuals and the type of work that they are interested in doing in the field.
What was the challenge about?
Creating and deploying an interactive web resume that incorporates clean, intuitive and responsive user interface that follows design standards.
Primarily the focus was on design, the layout, colour scheme and use of UI/UX principles of designing a user-friendly navigational flow, putting a more thorough thought into the placement of various elements and how those elements can make the page look more interesting/alive giving the website a "personality".
What technology was used in this particular project?
All students are at different levels when it comes to design, so they had their own individual input on the overall project. In regards to the technology required for developing their web resumes, we covered the standard front-end stack: HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as newer versions of HTML5 and CSS3.
In the last few weeks of the semester we also covered how JavaScript can be used to edit various HTML elements and providing the overall interactivity to the project. Lastly, we also covered React which is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. React was developed by Facebook and is used by many popular companies such as Netlifx, Instagram, Facebook of course, Reddit, Dropbox and many more.
Some students used React to develop their projects such as Pablo Patrick Gomes Da Silva, who has exceptional skills
The project was a chance for the students to display all of their projects in one place and use the web resume for employment purposes. These type of websites are quite popular in this field as the employer gets a view of the student's abilities, work experience, motivations, and general character. I've had a couple of students message me about using this CA project for these exact reasons which is fantastic!
During the lock-down, the students were informed that the best web resume would win a small trophy for their efforts in a way to motivate them and give them confidence in applying for jobs. After I graded all the projects, I made a small announcement video of the winners.
What was the result?
Throughout the assignment period, students had difficulties with implementing certain features due to using new technologies. Assistance was provided online through a popular communication platform called "Slack" where students submitted their code snippets or sent their Gitpod (online IDE) workspace which can be accessed online and updated simultaneously with the student. Explanation videos of the changes were communicated and the student was able to then work on further features.
What did surprise you the most?
Most surprises came from the final work that was submitted. The standard of the projects was exceptional with a high quality evident within these projects. From the start of the semester for this module until the end, it was clear how much the students have grown and learned with many going out of their way to do their own research.
What can you tell us about the winners project?
There were many projects that have deserved the award, however, the chosen winners were primarily based on their projects as well as their personal skills showcased during the module period.
Lucas for example submitted an exceptional project that showcases keen attention to detail and professionalism which also demonstrates his prior experience within the field. His project meets all of the requirements of the assignment as well as going "above-and-beyond" with various interactions, unique design and appearance of the web resume as well as clean and consistent code.
William on the other hand demonstrated hard work whilst developing a layout and styling that doesn't use a framework. He put in his full personal input into the project. Throughout the year William has made consistent progress in his work and this assignment was a large step ahead from the previous work that he has demonstrated early on in the semester.