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Digital Marketing & Social Media

Meet Naue Tunes,

Meet Naue Tunes, a Dorset College Digital Marketing & Social Media student. She is the perfect example that if you really want to achieve something, you can do it! This brilliant lady decided that she wanted to make a career in Digital Marketing and you can read why it was no surprise to any of us that she got her first job offer when she was studying with us, as a Community Manager at Hello Nina. Naue Tunes is currently working in the Marketing Team at Print Solutions Ireland.

What company did you choose to work on?

I wanted to work on the social media plan and the website of a small bistro located in Dublin. I analyzed that there are lots of offices around this bistro, and the client needed to optimize the amount of time that a customer spends in the queue - given that most of them are there on their lunch break.

Why did you choose to do this course? 

I wanted to start a career in Digital Marketing.

How was your experience at Dorset College?

In the middle of studying Digital Marketing and Social Media at Dorset College, I found a job in Marketing as a Community Manager for Hello Nina, a Marketing Company based in Portugal. I've also got the chance to collaborate with the Dorset College Marketing Team after the course, making short videos with tips for small companies and start-ups.

What have you learnt overall? 

How to manage social media correctly, the world of analytics, and how to optimize. Asking questions such as; what is a buyer persona, how to target correctly to your customer, how to metric the KPIs, keywords, etc. Also, I learned about website creation and digital marketing rules.

Naue Tunes
Digital Marketing & Social Media
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