Hello, How R U? - Mental Health Campaign

Mental Health Campaign 

Mental health Ireland held their ‘Hello, How R U?’ campaign on Thursday, the 7th of April 2022. Hello, How Are You? is a mental health promotion campaign which supports people to confidently connect with others and to have open conversations about mental health and wellbeing. This campaign also supports empowerment through the provision of reliable information of mental Health services in Ireland, and signpost helpful resources for those seeking help.  

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Campaign Logo

The aim of this campaign is to tackle the lack of connection or belonging that many people experience by inspiring individuals to ask how others are feeling. This invites people to open conversations, listen and encourage action to help those who may need it.  

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The five steps of H.E.L.L.O

Dorset College ran a coffee morning in conjunction with the Hello, How R U campaign giving learners the opportunity to meet with one another to create a safe space and encourage conversations and active listening. The tables in the canteen were decorated with cakes, biscuits, treats, and posters explaining the Hello, How R U campaign to highlight the importance of mental health and wellbeing.  

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Campaign set-up
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Events such as the Hello, How R U campaign are a reminder of the importance of talking to one another and connecting in a genuine manner. With learners back in the college again, now is a better time than ever to sit down, chat and engage in thoughtful conversations. It was great to see students from various countries and cultures actively listening to one another and openly discussing issues surrounding mental health, in both Ireland and abroad.  

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 Helpful Mental Health resources: 
