Career Options in the People Profession

A career in Human Resources (HR), Learning & Development (L&D) or Organisation Development and Design (OD&D) is collectively referred to as the ‘People Profession’ and is about creating successful organisations through people and making sure you have the right people, with the right skills in the correct roles.

It is truly a rewarding career and can make a real difference to the lives of employees by creating roles, opportunities or environments that can get the best out of them and reach their full potential. If you consider yourself a people person and are passionate about standing up for the rights of others, a career in the People Profession will be well suited to you.  

The People Profession covers a broad spectrum of jobs, specialisms and careers spanning every industry. As the world evolves, as do workplaces and they have to adapt and change to keep up with this. As such, professionals not only have to consider the economic trends that impact the way a business operates, they have to take into account the priorities of the workforce as they alter.  

This is why the People Profession has a huge variety of roles within it and embodies a vast scope of business function – from numerical and data driven positions in reward and analytics to development roles in learning and development. These roles typically fall into two categories; HR Generalists who perform a variety of activities in any aspect of the people's practice, and Specialists who provide detailed advice and guidance in their areas of expertise.  

As mentioned, the People Profession actually encompasses a multi-disciplinary community which incorporates other people areas in addition to HR. These 12 areas are: 

What do our Alumni say?

I thoroughly enjoyed my course and felt very engaged, as opposed to when I was in college doing my degree. I learnt a lot I didn't know and was able to share my experiences in HR so far'. - Alison Golden, CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management.

If you would like to start your career in the People Profession, Dorset College Dublin offer CIPD courses for both Level 3 and Level 5. You can apply for these programmes via our website or speak with a Sales Advisor by emailing [email protected].  

CIPD Panel Interview

As part of the CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Management, the students participated in a simulation of a mock panel interview. In groups, the learners had to fully prepare and conduct a panel interview process, complete with all the correct documentation. The learners would then take part in the panel interview with the help of their fellow classmates who volunteered to be candidates. 

The CIPD students took this practice very seriously – even dressing for the part! This process gave them a fascinating insight into the reality of an interview panel and the work involved in hiring the right candidate.  

The students enjoyed the evening, with all expressing they had gained great learnings from participating in this activity and it has given them a better understanding of their CIPD Level 3 qualification. 

CIPD Level 3 Learners