Money Jar Partnership with Dorset College Dublin
Dorset College Dublin are proud to announce a partnership with Money Jar, the 100% Irish owned alternative to a banking current account. Money Jar is your digital current account which provides an Irish IBAN (International Bank Account Number) with every account. Through the Money Jar app, Dorset College learners will get an Irish digital current account to help manage your money hassle-free and avoid any financial surprises.
Money Jar is a safe, secure, and simple to use Digital Current Account for day-to-day banking requirements. The app comes with Mastercard and supports both Apple and Google pay. Dorset College Dublin students can open a Money Jar account today without any fees for 6 months. International students can open an account with Money Jar and obtain an Irish IBAN, allowing you to pay bills, send and receive money from other accounts, make mobile and online payments and improve money management. Within minutes, students will receive their Irish IBAN number by providing an Irish address. Unlike Revolut, Money Jar can be used to prove the money request for Visa purposes.

For Dorset College students to set up their Money Jar account, all you need is a government approved identification document (from any country), an Irish postal address (temporary accommodation, hotel, hostel etc.) and you will have your digital current account. Students can also take advantage of Money Jar’s other features such as Irish IBAN compatibility with all payroll systems, bank to bank transfers, direct debits and much more.
Dorset College Dublin are looking forward to collaborating with Money Jar in the future to ensure all students are in safe hands when it comes to their banking needs.

For more information on the fantastic benefits of Money Jar & how you can get 6 months with no fees, please email the Student Experience Lead, [email protected].