Class Rep Awards Ceremony
Class Reps are the vital link between academic staff and their classmates, as they represent the learners on issues that may be impacting them. Whether these be academic issues, course materials, or anything else that arises throughout your time in the college, the Class Reps will discuss this during their meetings.

Last weekend, our Class Reps were invited to their Class Rep awards ceremony to acknowledge and celebrate the hard work and dedication they put into this role, and their contribution to Dorset College. They all met on a sunny Saturday afternoon in our ABC building and were invited for refreshments and some catching up with their fellow classmates. They were excited to update one another on their lives as Dorset College graduates and life after college.

The ceremony began with a speech from the Student Experience Lead, followed by Jerry O’Connell, familiar faces to all our learners. A huge congratulations to Ilze Santare and Giovanna Balarini Zampieri being voted as Class Reps of the year. They both showed tremendous qualities as leaders for their classmates throughout a very difficult year – something we know their classmates appreciated greatly. Our Academic Operations Lead, Jeanne LeCorre presented Colm Dunne with his award for Lecturer of the year, voted for by the students themselves.

Dorset College highly encourages our learners to run as Class Reps. In this role, you are stepping up to be a leader and make a real difference. It is also a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills, improve your CV and build a better connection with your classmates and Lecturers. What are you waiting for!!